Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fall 2015 - Master Study, Week 6, pt. 2

We spent four weeks working on a master study of our choice. I chose a painting (Study in Black and White) by Burton Silverman:
There were a lot of proportion issues in the first sketch, so I redid half of it, then, while better, there were still a bunch of different proportions issues, so I completely redrew everything during the last week. I did a lot of math and sighting and techniques that I don't normally do in order to try and get this as close as possible. It took so long and yet there are still some off parts. Ah well. I'm happy with it overall because it's still way better than how it was beforehand. It was also fun. :P

Fall 2015 - Charcoal Hands, Week 6, pt. 1

Some more hands, only this time interacting. :D

Fall 2015 - Still Life Painting, Week 6

Starting reflections with copper! That blue-green block on the right is preeeetty off. I fixed up the purple but the blue-green, man, it wanted to stay weird.

Fall 2015 - Still Life Painting, Week 5

Painting glass. Seeing the true values of glass was more difficult than I expected it to be. Sometimes it was actually lighter than I thought, other times it was a lot darker than I thought.

Fall 2015 - Charcoal Hands, Week 5

Mooore hands! But not just hands. Hands holding objects.

Fall 2015 - Charcoal Hands, Week 4

A bunch of haaaaands.

Fall 2015 - Still Life Painting, Week 4, pt. 2

The first 3-week long assignment. There are a few issues, but I'm pretty happy with it. The ladybug pot is my favorite part. :D

Fall 2015 - Still Life Painting, Week 4, pt. 1

Semi limited palette with no black. I think this might be my least favorite painting of the ones I've done so far. It's not awful, but it's not that great either. :P

Daily - October 10-13, 2015

References from Morguefile.
Some birds! Felt like practicing little birds and practicing with ink. I think I went too heavy with the left bird. I like the hummingbird more. (S)he's so cute. :D

Pen and colored pencil.

Daily - October 7, 2015

Some more weird sketches. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And a gecko. I'm pretty happy with the gecko, especially since I drew it from memory based on my leopard gecko. I think I had only just heard of Inktober on this day. Maybe, maybe not.

Daily - October 2-3, 2015

Some weird sketches, man. The little chubber cat is my favorite.
The bottom right thing is supposed to be a puffer fish. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Daily - October 1, 2015

What a great drawing to start off October, I say as most of October has passed. What a happy, little doll to keep you company.

Pen and colored pencil. :D

Daily - September 30, 2015

Been a while. Drawn a bit and have been doing schoolwork, of course, just haven't been posting it.
Top is a quick eye from memory and bottom is a colored pencil sketch I did of a class acrylic painting demo as I was watching it.